Who needs the IPad?

OK I admit it, I broke down and bought an iPad. But to be honest, it took me a long time to understand why anyone would want this halfling device. I asked the Mac sales guy this question and he told me, "Because it's Apple!". Although he may be right, I think the draw of this nifty new gadget is a little more complicated.

The iPad is a strange mix of iPhone and portable computer and, at first glance, it doesn't seem to emulate either of those things well.

What the iPad is NOT...
The iPad is not a phone. The iPhone started a little revolution with it's myriad of apps and straightforward usability (although I still object to the keyboard). While the iPad may look like a giant iPhone, it doesn't make calls and can't fit easily into your pocket like the phone.
The iPad is not a laptop. I create graphics, design a blog, run a business, research and store most everything on my laptop. The iPad is simply not equipped to do all of these things.
Having said this, the iPad also pulls out some of the best qualities of these tools.

What the iPad IS...
Like the phone, the iPad is easy to use, featuring a single flat panel, quick on/off switch and finger-powered maneuvering on a much more human scale than the phone.
Like a laptop, the iPad is a solid platform that gives you the ability to do light work: browse the net, read, enjoy entertainment and photos, check e-mail, etc. All in a less cumbersome package than the laptop.
So how useful is the iPad, really?
The size and simplicity of the iPad are what make it so handy. Its small size and touch screen are a more practical choice for tight spaces like airplanes or trains and the Wifi/3G makes it easy to take to the park or coffee shop for light work and internet.

Who needs the iPad?
Of course 'need' is relative, but for anyone looking for an uncomplicated tool for simple tasks, entertainment and maybe a little work, iPad is a great choice.

Thing of the future...
Beyond comparing the iPad to existing technology, I think it will evolve into something a little more meaty, maybe a workhorse computer, but with the iPad ease-of-use and portability. Another example of an evolving technology is the Nintendo Wii. This game system drew in scores of non-gamers and is continually morphing as a multi-media device. The lesson here is that technology is successfully becoming simpler and more tactile for users. The iPad is just the beginning of this happy trend and I'll be looking forward to seeing what's next.

Shameless promotion...
By the way, the iPad just happens to fit nicely into the front pocket of NokHoo bags. All our bags have spaces that are ideal for your iPhone, laptop computer and now your new IPad. Get one for yourself and see the difference good design makes!